AI World

this month is the big month and a month to remember their are so many announcements has been done in this month – May -2024 .

As this is NVIDIA era of AI revolution has done due to high speed processors capability make it possible for AI to work better, because of GPU, DPU – world which is extraordinary high speed and parallel processing processors.

with Open AI announcement of ChatGPT 4o (omni) announcement on May 13th 2024 – it was a new era of AI where introducing voice interaction with systems open up new thinking and seems it is going to make BIG difference the way we would be working with technology – like we used to watch in movies so far we could see that would come to reality. now system will have Text, VOICE, and VIDEO(photo) recognition and interaction with system, till now it was only text base interaction with system.

on the similar note last week Google has announced Gemini 1.5Pro on which is an AI agent works like ChatGPT 4o way and would make new ideas, Google has TPU for building AI on.

on yesterday May 21,2024 – Microsoft event MSBuild 2024 keynote Microsoft has announce Copilot PC an AI system PC integrated with AI CoPilot a microsoft Agent working similar way supporting Azure Cloud system , other features – Azure AI Studio and many stuff. Microsoft has NPU for AI processing

I want to document this month for the history that this would be new generation /revolution of AI era – where things will be changing the way it was.

this will come with many issues like:

  1. security tread
  2. data beach
  3. environment – high power consumption for GPU, TPU, NPU – processing.
  4. high power with high risk of personal details to be shared /mis used.
  5. old way of working will be changed – may result job reduction for repeatative work.
  6. Robotic era – machine will start taking work .
  7. Autonomous system may increase.
  8. Coding for developer would be automated . less brain required.
  9. Other unknown issues ….

Also expert to handle these system -require in market.

new jobs position related to this may raised.

changes would be more frequent now on. interested to explore. i am glad i am witnessing this:)

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